Epsilon chapter- New Jersey
The Epsilon chapter adheres to Alpha Zeta Omega's Supreme Chapter's anti-hazing policy, which is as follows:
Anti-Hazing Policy
Alpha Zeta Omega National Pharmaceutical Fraternity does not condone physical or mental (emotional) hazing of any kind, by any definition. The Supreme Chapter strictly prohibits the hazing of individuals involved in any fraternity activities, including initiation. As a result, The Supreme Legal Advisor has compiled the following information in an effort to increase awareness concerning the actions defined as hazing and the powerful stance that the fraternity has against such actions.As stated in the Supreme Constitution, Sec. 242: Any form of hazing is expressly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as, but not limited to, any action taken or situation created, intentionally, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment and ridicule. These actions and situations include, but are not limited to: paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shock, scavenger hunts which involve illegal activities, one-way road trips which leave an individual to find return transportation, wearing apparel at any time or location which is not appropriate, required engagement in public stunts or buffoonery, morally degrading games or humiliating activities, compulsory consumption of any alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or non-controlled substances, and any other activities which are not consistent with the regulations and policies of the sheltering institution, or behavior considered as unbecoming of a Member of Alpha Zeta Omega. Hazing has also been defined as: ...any action or situation created whether on or off campus that produces mental, physical, or emotional discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, fright, humiliation, or ridicule. Any mental or physical requirement, request or obligation placed upon any person, which could cause pain, disgrace, or injury. Any activity that violates any Federal, State, Local statutes or University policies is prohibited by Alpha Zeta Omega. Examples of prohibited hazing activities These examples are merely illustrative of specific forbidden practices and are not intended to be all-inclusive. Mental hazing:
Conducting activities which do not allow adequate time for study during the initiate period;
Yelling, screaming, or directing negative comments at members or nonmembers;
Deceiving new members prior to The Ritual designed to convince an initiate that he/she will not be initiated or will be harmed;
Playing extremely loud music, repeated music, or any other audible harassment;
Not permitting initiates to talk for any extended period of time or limit to whom and when they can talk;
Requiring or encouraging nudity at any time;
Intentionally creating clean-up work;
Requiring initiates to run errands (servitude);
Engagement in public stunts and buffoonery;
Publicly wearing apparel which is conspicuous and not "normally" in good taste;
Subjecting an individual to cruel or unusual psychological conditions for any reason;
Individual and group interrogations such as "line ups;"
Using any type of demerit system other than a positive evaluation program;
Requiring initiates to greet members at all times or answer the telephone/door with a jingle, song, or specific verbal response;
Any behavior, which is sexist, racist, or demeans the religious beliefs of others.Physical hazing:
Causing excessive physical fatigue
Forced calisthenics (sit-ups, push-ups, and runs);
Conducting an initiate activity between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 am or awakening individuals during these hours;
Permitting less than seven (7) continuous hours of sleep each night for initiates;
Pushing, shoving, tackling, paddling, or any other act which may cause harm;
Requiring initiates to drink alcohol or take any other substance such as drugs;
Forced consumption of food or other substances;
Branding or scarring of any kind;
Throwing anything at or on an individual;
Theft of any personal property under any circumstances;
Assigning or endorsing "pranks" or harassing other organizations;
Defacing public or private property;
Kidnapping, transporting, and/or stranding anyone;
Conducting scavenger/treasure hunts resulting in possible theft or disruption of others; searching for humiliating items;
Carrying items which will interfere with daily activities;
Denying initiates time for study or interfering with scholastic/extra- curricular activities/work in any way;
Confinement in small, unventilated, unsanitary, or unlighted areas;
Any activity without a constructive aspect or purpose;
Allowing initiates to use only a particular door when entering or leaving any building or to use a certain stairway within a building;
Blindfolding and parading individuals in public areas, blindfolding and transporting in a motor vehicle or privately conducting blindfolding activities that serve no constructive purpose.
Additionally, local chapters and individuals are criminally and personally liable for their actions. No student can consent to being hazed. Any activity falling within the definition of hazing activities is considered to be a forced activity; the willingness of an individual to participate notwithstanding. The Supreme Chapter may and/or will pursue the appropriate legal action against any chapter or individual member that takes part in or is aware of any form of hazing. University/State policiesAll chapters of Alpha Zeta Omega National Pharmaceutical Fraternity are to abide by the policies implemented by the university/college campus at which they are chartered. Chapters must also adhere to their State policy on hazing. Please be reminded that hazing is a serious crime and perpetrators will be punished according to those state and campus policies. For those chapters who have not yet received a copy of their university/college and state policies, it is your responsibility to obtain these documents for your chapter files. Implementation of policiesThe officers, primarily the Directorum, are responsible for informing initiates, members, alumni, and all others associated with the fraternity of the policies. The policy should be read by the president at the first meeting of each semester or quarter. The initiation chairperson is responsible for informing the initiates of the hazing policies prior to the first initiate activity. All members and pledges must read and sign the Alpha Zeta Omega Anti-Hazing Policy each semester/quarter. A copy of this agreement must be kept in the chapter's files and the original must be sent to the Supreme Signare by the required due date. ConclusionThe Supreme Chapter is very proud of the fact that our chapters conduct responsible and inspiring initiation programs and induction ceremonies. Alpha Zeta Omega, both in stated goals and purposes, is a positive experience designed to contribute and benefit throughout a person's life. At the heart of Alpha Zeta Omega is brotherhood and professionalism, and brotherhood involves personal association, involvement, and achievement. It also places certain responsibilities upon our shoulders. Included among these responsibilities is the need to strictly adhere to all policies set forth by the fraternity, and to instill these same principles in tomorrow's fraters.Pledge Signature___________________________________________________ Directorum Signature________________________________________________ Date________________-