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This year, AZO has raised over $30,000 for Rutgers Dance Marathon as well as money for several walks such as the Parkinson's walk held in support for our adviser & EMSOP professor Dr. Gerecke, Heel to Heel walk held by the Embrace Kids Foundation, and the Pancreatic Cancer Walk held by the Lustgarten foundation. Furthermore, we donated approximately $500 to the Lustgarten foundation, which was AZO's national charity last year, to support pancreatic cancer research.

Even though there are approximately only 80 active fraters, by hosting events like monthly bake sales, the popular Mr. Pharm D. event, and several fundraising dinners at various restaurants, AZO was able to raise quite a bit of money. Many brothers also thought of innovative ways to raise money throughout the year such as dying their beard purple or shaving the hair off their head if the amount they wanted to fundraise was reached. On top of that, several companies and businesses supported us throughout such as Johnson &
Johnson who doubled  $1,000 for us to donate as well as small businesses such as Bell Pharmacy, Unite Pharmacy, Saiff Drugs, and Boniello's.

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